Bathrooms are some of the most frequently visited rooms in any modern home. Residents use them multiple times a day, and guests are far more likely to request access to a bathroom than a kitchen, dining room, or other private space. That’s why it’s important for homeowners to ensure that these rooms are in good condition and have fully functional plumbing fixtures.

    Bathroom Fixtures Services in Grand Junction, CO

    Installing Bathroom Fixtures requires a good deal of specialized skill. Even one seemingly simple mistake can lead to thousands of dollars in water damage repairs and leave the home’s occupants without access to the running water they need to flush toilets, take showers, get cleaned up, and ready for their days. Home Comfort Services has everything it takes, from tools and equipment to knowledge and experience, to maintain and repair existing fixtures or install new ones.

    Toilet Repairs & Installations

    Toilet Repairs & Installations in Grand Junction, COThere’s nothing worse than a malfunctioning toilet. If homeowners have noticed that their toilets are backing up frequently, running constantly, or otherwise failing to perform as intended, they should take action immediately. Minor problems can be repaired, but homeowners may want to view a malfunctioning toilet as an opportunity to upgrade this essential fixture. New toilets look better, operate smoothly, and use less water. They need to be professionally installed, though, since one mistake can lead to burst pipes and sewer water or fumes that can be dangerous to residents’ health.

    The dedicated professionals at Home Comfort Services can help homeowners choose new toilets and install them efficiently.

    Bathroom Sink Repairs & Installations

    Bathroom sinks are just as important as toilets and they can be just as difficult to repair and replace. Homeowners need to hire a professional for Bathroom Sink Installation if they want to avoid the hassles of dealing with leaky pipes, improperly fitted fixtures, and other major headaches. Homeowners planning to remodel their bathrooms can also get help with choosing the right sinks to fit their unique designs and personalities.

    When it comes to existing sinks, the most common problem faced by modern families is clogged drains. Before calling a plumber, try using a natural homemade drain cleaner or pulling out the plunger. Both of these solutions can usually resolve minor clogs. Once the clog has been resolved, install a hair catcher in the drain to avoid future problems.

    Shower & Tub Installations

    Shower & Tub Installations in Grand Junction, COThere are almost as many reasons to install a new shower or tub as there are bathrooms. Some homeowners want to replace aging fixtures, while others need to improve accessibility or just want to increase the aesthetic appeal of their bathrooms. These are all compelling reasons to install a new shower or tub.

    Bathtubs and showers are difficult to install. They’re typically quite heavy and, like all plumbing fixtures, they must be hooked up to the freshwater and wastewater pipes correctly to avoid serious problems.

    It’s always better to hire a professional to perform the installation correctly than to attempt a DIY project and wind up needing both a plumber and a water damage repair specialist.

    Bathroom Faucet Repairs & Installations

    Bathroom Faucet Repairs & Installations in Grand Junction, COReplacing old faucets is an easy and affordable way to improve the appearance of any bathroom. Depending on their taste in interior decorating, homeowners can opt for classic styles with rustic features or contemporary faucets that prioritize water conservation and hygiene alongside aesthetic appeal.

    No matter what type of faucets they choose, homeowners need to hire a professional for Bathroom Faucet Installation. While installing faucets is somewhat simpler than installing toilets, showers, and tubs, it still requires specialized knowledge and tools.

    Homeowners who attempt to switch out their own faucets often wind up dealing with broken pipes, blocked water flow, reversed hot and cold water, and other potentially serious issues.

    Homeowners who just want their faucets to function as intended may not need to have them replaced. Common problems include mineral buildup on internal components, corrosion of body parts, and worn O-rings. Handy homeowners with access to the right tools may be able to resolve these issues themselves. If they can’t, most plumbers and handyman services can make quick work of it.

    Get Help Now

    No matter what type of bathroom renovations homeowners are planning, they’ll need to seek professional help when it comes time to replace the plumbing fixtures. The technicians at Home Comfort Services can both install most bathroom fixtures and offer assistance with other common problems such as excessive moisture.Browse the website to learn about their services or call us to schedule an appointment.

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