The fall months are when homeowners in the Grand Junction, CO, area begin switching off their air conditioners and begin relying on their boilers and furnaces to protect their homes against the oncoming winter chill. The importance of safe practices when it comes to operating your heating system cannot be overstated. Not practicing caution and care could result in health issues, structural damage, or even death. Here are some helpful safety tips to ensure that you make the right choices around your heating system in the fall.
Keeping your home and family members safe is a primary concern. Gas- or oil-fueled furnaces and boilers offer specific dangers, but all-electric systems also require you to take safety measures. Here are some specific issues to consider to stay safe when using your heating system.
An important consideration before firing up the furnace or boiler is the play habits of your children. It’s possible that during the spring and summer, when these heating systems are not operating, they may have grown accustomed to playing near them.
Before starting the heating system, talk with your children so that they understand that the components of the heating system can be dangerous to be around. Establish rules for play anywhere in the same room as the furnace or boiler so there is no chance they could get close to areas like the grill or radiators, which can get extremely hot. If there is the chance that a toy could roll over to or end up near these systems, make it clear that they need to get an adult to retrieve it for them. You may even want to avoid such a scenario by not allowing playtime in the same room as the furnace or boiler.
You need to ensure that there are no obstructions that could hinder the safe operation of your heating system. A fossil-fuel-powered furnace or boiler needs fresh air to work properly. These systems usually have a fresh air intake that brings in air from outside. Know where this intake is outside your home so you can make sure it has sufficient clearance.
When this intake is obstructed, it can create negative pressure in the ventilation system. This can result in a backdraft that vents toxic fumes into your home. Carbon monoxide or dioxide in your home can have tragic results. Additionally, a lack of adequate fresh air inhibits the combustion process, which can lead to lower efficiency and a shortened system lifespan.
Ahead of usage for the season, you will want to clear items away from your furnace or boiler that could catch fire. The cardinal rule is to keep anything flammable at least three feet away from your furnace or boiler. This distance also serves the secondary purpose of allowing easy access when a technician needs to service your heating system.
It is not uncommon for homeowners to use the room that has your heat source for another purpose. For example, it could also be used as a laundry room or for storage. Make sure that everyone in the household understands not to stack anything close to the furnace or boiler, drape laundry on it, etc.
Here are some examples of materials that should be kept away from your heating system:
- Cat litter
- Sawdust
- Newspapers
- Documents
- Gasoline
- Cleaning products
- Rags
- Wood scraps and firewood
- Sawdust
Keep the Area Clean
You can take additional steps to ensure your heating system operates safely. Lint and dust can cause hazards around your heating systems. You can clean around the area periodically, taking extra care for thoroughness ahead of its first usage for the season. A fall maintenance visit from one of our technicians also ensures that the inside of the system is clean and ready for use. One of our technicians at Home Comfort Services is happy to help with questions about further cleaning tips.
Test the Alarms
No matter how many precautions you take, there is always the possibility of an accident happening. With this in mind, you will want to ensure that you have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. There should be one near your heating system and at least one on every level of your home. You’ll also want detectors near every bedroom.
Test these detectors regularly to ensure they work, and replace the batteries as necessary. If they are hard-wired into the home and are not functioning correctly, have a technician come out to get them operable again.
Pay Attention to Noises and Smells
It is not unusual to notice a burning smell when you first turn on your heating system after a long spell of inactivity. With a furnace, this is typically the accumulated dust and debris burning away, and the smell should dissipate within a few minutes to a couple of hours. It is also not strange to hear some sound at the beginning of a cycle of either system. If the strange smell or sound continues, you will want to have it looked at by a professional immediately.
You might hear clanking, whistling, or hissing sounds. None of these are things that you should ignore. A persistent clicking or banging sound could indicate a starter issue or a combustion problem, which should be dealt with immediately. If you encounter the smell of gas, you should shut down your system and the gas line, exit the home, and call our team and the gas company for help.
Monitor Boiler Pressure
Every boiler has a standard pressure range that is typical for that model. Familiarize yourself with the appropriate range and check the pressure gauge regularly. If there are wild fluctuations, this can be a sign of a major problem. Should you notice that the pressure seems low, this could result in inadequate heating. When the pressure is too high, you risk your own safety, that of your loved ones, and your home if it is not addressed quickly.
Routine Maintenance
One of the smartest things you can do for the safety of your home is to set up professional routine maintenance of your system. Routine maintenance ensures your system is inspected, cleaned, tuned up, and ready for safe operation. This kind of service is typically done twice a year, in the spring on your AC before summer use and in the fall ahead of using your heating system. Your technician will also be able to catch any issues. Catching problems early reduces the risk of a breakdown and helps prolong the system’s life.
Your Grand Junction Boiler and Furnace Experts
If you are in Grand Junction or the surrounding area, trust the experts at Home Comfort Services. We are a Better Business Bureau-accredited company that has provided services to the community for many years. We are dedicated to providing your family with everything you need for home comfort. That is why we provide a full range of heating, cooling, indoor air quality, and plumbing services, all under one roof. For more on what Home Comfort Services can do for your household, including expert furnace repair, give us a call today.