Numerous factors can impact how efficiently and effectively your HVAC system heats and cools your home. Some of them are fairly obvious, such as the age of your furnace or AC unit and how often you have it professionally maintained. Actions like not changing your air filter regularly or a lack of insulation in your walls and attic can also have a major impact. Still, one factor that many people overlook is the location of their thermostats. If the thermostat is not positioned properly, it could potentially leave you sweating during the summer and freezing during the winter, and here are the reasons why.

Why Thermostat Location Matters

The thermostat is responsible for controlling your heating and cooling systems. It does this by measuring the temperature of the air and signaling the furnace or AC to turn on and off as needed. This makes it vital that the thermostat is properly located since it is only able to measure the temperature in its immediate vicinity. As a result, if the thermostat is in a place that is either warmer or colder than the rest of the house, it can make it much more difficult for you to properly regulate the temperature in the home.

Where Is the Best Place for a Thermostat?

When choosing the ideal thermostat location, heating and cooling professionals always try to avoid any areas that may be colder as well as any potential heat sources. Exterior walls and any areas near windows and doors tend to be much more affected by outdoor temperatures.
Even if the walls are well-insulated or the windows and doors are well-sealed, they will still experience colder ambient temperatures during the winter. For this reason, the thermostat should only ever be installed on an interior wall and away from any windows and doors. If not, then it is likely that your heating system will end up running much more frequently since the thermostat will think the house is colder than it really is.

Placing the thermostat too close to a supply vent can also create major issues with heating and cooling your home. In this situation, the thermostat will be measuring the temperature of the heated or cooled air coming from the vent. As a result, your HVAC system will generally end up turning on and off constantly, making it nearly impossible to keep the rest of the house properly heated or cooled.

Where Is the Best Place for a Thermostat?The same issue can be caused if the thermostat is in a warmer room or close to any heat source. Kitchens and bathrooms should generally be avoided since these rooms tend to be warmer and also experience much greater temperature fluctuations as a result of showering, cooking, and other daily activities.

Avoid placing the thermostat too close to any type of ambient or radiant heat source. This means making sure that the thermostat is not exposed to direct sunlight and also not located on a wall with any ductwork or plumbing since these tend to be much warmer. As well, make sure that the thermostat isn’t too close to a TV or any type of light source as these also emit quite a bit of heat.

Ideally, the thermostat should be as centrally located in the house as possible. It should also be in a place that you use frequently and that provides an accurate representation of the temperature in the rest of the home. This means avoiding confined spaces like hallways or smaller rooms.

These areas experience less circulation and airflow, which means that they heat up or cool down much more quickly. As a result, the thermostat will usually end up signaling the HVAC system to shut off before the rest of the home is properly heated or cooled.

If your thermostat isn’t currently located in a good place, it is well worth it to have an HVAC professional move it to a better location. The job can usually be done in only a few hours, and it can have a major impact on how well your home is heated and cooled and also how much you pay to keep it that way.

At Home Comfort Services, we offer a wide range of heating and cooling services to customers in Grand Junction, CO and the surrounding areas. Our expert HVAC technicians can handle furnace replacements and AC installations and also repair and service any type of existing heating and cooling equipment.

We employ a team of licensed plumbers that can work on any type of bathroom and kitchen fixtures and handle any of your home’s plumbing needs. If you have any questions about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, contact Home Comfort Services today.

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